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100 Mile Challenge

100 Mile Challenge

May 29 – September 5

Walk, run, hike, paddle, or pedal—or any combination of any human-powered activity—100 miles in 100 days to celebrate 100 years of ADK!

Raise $100 or more in sponsorships, and win a 100 Mile Challenge patch. Additional prizes will be awarded to the three people who raise the highest amounts, and to those who reach the following sponsorship levels: $100, $250, $500, and $1000.

Accept the Challenge and Register Today!


100 Years of JBL: A Century of Trails, Tales, & Togetherness

2025 marks the 100th anniversary of Johns Brook Lodge. We want to hear your stories!

100 Years of JBL: A Century of Trails, Tales, and Togetherness

2025 marks the 100th anniversary of Johns Brook Lodge. We want to hear your stories!

Your Support Matters

2024 has truly been special. Thanks to supporters like you we achieved so much. Learn how you can help ADK make 2025 even better.


As a member-, donor-, and volunteer-supported nonprofit, we can’t achieve our mission without you!