Elliott Roosevelt was Theodore Roosevelt’s brother, godfather to Franklin D. Roosevelt, and father of one of the world’s most admired women-Eleanor Roosevelt.  He was also a drunkard, drug addict, and fathered an illegitimate son with one of his servants. He died at thirty-four, leaving Eleanor – whom John Matteson refers to as having lived a childhood of “Dickensian horrors” -an orphan at age eleven. But Eleanor remained devoted to Elliott for the rest of her life. For all his considerable faults, Elliott was a gentle soul beloved by all and a tenderly loving father to Eleanor. He instilled in her a sense of compassion that became her bedrock quality, leading her to become known as, “the First Lady of the World.”

Softcover, 416 pages. Published in 2017.


Elliott and Eleanor Roosevelt

Original price was: $21.95.Current price is: $19.75.

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